Google Desktop, passwords and more
Well I’ve been using Google Desktop for just over a week and it’s
come in handy more than once. So much better than the search built into
I found all shorts of stuff I had no idea I had on my PC, some of
which I thought had long gone, some good some bad. Like a long
forgotten geocities account from 9 years ago, still sitting there on
the web – old and dated, but Google Desktop found the old passwords for
me and I was able to login and remove some things.
It also found a bunch of backup files I’ve been making of
‘important’ documents over the years. You know how things go, you get a
new PC, laptop, PDA or whatever and stach things away just in case
you’ll need it. Well I had copies of copies of ‘My Documents’ nested
deep across many drives.
What suprised me the most was how many passwords it found, even
those I thought were secure. The thing is it can search your old email
too, so when you get those account activation/creation messages which
often have the password right in them – it’s all still sitting right
there in your email archives. Sounds obvious know, but I bet ya that
you’ve got some ‘secure’ passwords exposed in your email somewhere
right now.
It also got me thinking how easy it would be for a trojan to pick
these passwords up if I was unfortunate enough to get infected. So I
just spent the last few hours cleaning up my PC
The only feature I’d like see added to Google Desktop right now is the ability to search network drives. Not much to ask.